Jan 152011

If every just man that now pines with want
Had but a moderate and beseeming share
Of that which lewdly pampered luxury
Now heaps upon some few with vast excess,
Nature’s full blessings would be well dispensed
In unsuperfluous even proportion . . .

Nov 212010

A strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration. Example: a mythic afflatus

[from Latin afflatus, from past participle of afflere, to breathe on : ad-, ad- + flare, to blow.]

Nov 212010

An imitation of gold. A finish of a copper and zinc or tin alloys that resemble gold in appearance and are used to ornament furniture, moldings, architectural details, and jewelry.

Nov 212010

adjective: meaning to have regularly arranged, overlapping edges, as roof tiles or fish scales.

example: “a space of disappearance where ‘imperialism’ and ‘globalism’ are imbricated with each other”