Nov 232010

Each year, U.S. State Chief Information Officers compile a list of what they feel are the important trends for the coming year. I always find it interesting as it generally speaks to the unique perspective of government technologists. As a result, it has closer relevance to my work here in Ottawa.

A. Priority Strategies, Management Processes and Solutions: Top 10 Final Ranking

1. Consolidation / Optimization: centralizing, consolidating services, operations, resources, infrastructure, data centers

2. Budget and Cost Control: managing budget reduction, strategies for savings, reducing or avoiding costs, activity based costing

3. Health Care: the Affordable Care Act, health enterprise architecture, assessment, partnering, implementation, health information exchange, technology solutions, Medicaid systems (planning, retiring, implementing, purchasing)

4. Cloud Computing: as a service delivery strategy; models, governance, service management, provisioning, security, privacy, data ownership

5. Shared Services: business models, sharing resources, services, infrastructure, independent of organizational structure

6. Governance: improving IT governance, data governance, partnering

7. Security: risk assessment, governance, authority and executive support; budget and resource requirements; insider threats; third party security practices as outsourcing increases; and security frameworks

8. Broadband and Connectivity: strengthening statewide connectivity, public safety wireless network, telehealth

9. Legacy modernization: enhancing, renovating, replacing, legacy platforms and applications, business process improvement

10. Data and Information Management: enhancing the role of data, information / intelligence, knowledge management

B. Priority Technologies, Applications and Tools Top 10 Final Ranking

1. Virtualization (servers, storage, computing, data center)

2. Cloud computing (software as a service, infrastructure, applications, storage)

3. Networking (voice and data communications, unified communications)

4. Legacy application modernization / renovation

5. Identity and access management

6. Document/Content/Records/E-mail management (active, repository, archiving, digital preservation)

7. Security enhancement tools

8. Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics applications

9. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

10. Social media and networking (Web 2.0 services, wikis, blogs, collaboration technologies, and social networking)

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